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Flat Jokes

Flat Jokes

A Little Silliness to Brighten Your Day

What do you call a joke with no punchline?

A flat joke, also known as a "kalauer" in German or a "platwitze" is a joke that lacks a traditional punchline. Instead, flat jokes rely on wordplay, absurdity, or unexpected twists to elicit a chuckle or groan from the listener. These silly and often nonsensical jokes can be a fun way to add a touch of levity to a conversation or to simply pass the time away.

Flat jokes come in all shapes and sizes, and their humor can vary greatly. Some flat jokes are intentionally silly and absurd, while others may be more subtle and clever. Whatever their style, flat jokes offer a unique blend of wit and silliness that can appeal to a wide range of people.

So, if you're in need of a little laughter or just want to share a silly joke with a friend, be sure to check out our collection of flat jokes. We guarantee you'll find at least one that will make you smile, even if it's just a little bit.
